REC-REATE Strathcona Gardens Feasibility Study now available
The Strathcona Regional District (SRD) is continuing its planning efforts to revitalize the Strathcona Gardens recreation complex. The project, called REC-REATE Strathcona Gardens, has investigated how best to renew the facility to address aging infrastructure and deliver recreation services in an exciting, modern, safe and inclusive environment.
The Strathcona Regional District (SRD) is continuing its planning efforts to revitalize the Strathcona Gardens recreation complex. The project, called REC-REATE Strathcona Gardens, has investigated how best to renew the facility to address aging infrastructure and deliver recreation services in an exciting, modern, safe and inclusive environment.
To view the full feasibility study click the link below:
REC-REATE Strathcona Gardens Feasibility Study